Best Blogger Tips May 2011 | Queervine

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When it Comes to Relationships, is it Smarter to Follow Your Heart or Your Head?

When you decided to date someone, should you date someone who is good for you or someone you desire? I think its a little bit of both! Of course, you can't help who you are attracted to...but if year after year and no matter how hard you try...somehow your relationships never last the problem with your heart or your head? I find that I always fall for the same type... and of course the same thing always happens...amazing sex, we have little in common...and we agree to disagree...for a year or so...then we break up. Looking at this logically, I can't help notice my relationships always seem to come to a dead end...I'm attracting miss good enough for right now...instead of the woman who will complete me.. My head understands I deserve to be happy but love keeps alluding me...So, something has got to give and I have to begin to accept the realization that my heart needs to take a backseat to my head.

I feel like things can change but you can't keep dating the same kind of person and expecting a different result. I will make you question if you ever will find someone and question why you keep making the same mistakes? Of course, I'm a hopeless romantic and believe that there is a woman out there who is perfect for me. So, how do we connect and how do I go about completely changing my approach to dating so that I attract that special someone...that I can spend the rest of my life with...
Well my grandfather once told me, if you don't like the fish you are catching then change the bait...

So, if our relationships were mostly about our heart, is there a place for our head? Relationships are more than thinking and feeling, they are what we do. Building a relationship means exposing our heart. Which can be risky...but you can't win if you don't risk losing...Go big or go home! I know building a relationship also means receiving with our heart. The most important way we do this is by listening. I have to listen to the "red flags" that tell me...this is not going to work. I'm not saying have "impossible" standards...but don't ignore warning signs about a person just because you are tired of being alone. I know that its easier said than done...but it will be well worth if we stop spending too much time with Ms. Almost and start the rest of our lives with Ms. Always and Forever!

We need to think about finding the same way we think of our 401K.. If you didn't get out of it what you put into it then you won't continue to waste your time. I'm not saying treat love like a business but I am saying think of love as an investment. By adopting the same approach to love that you that you have when you decide to buy a house, you spare your heart the huge disappointment of it not working out. You are not surprised when you have a leaky roof because you took the time to get it inspected. If you are not getting what you need then get out now because its only going to get worse...

So... Heart or Head? Both! Just be sure you get a return on your love investment because love may be free, but when it doesn't work out...You lose something money can't buy...TIME and a bit of your heart!!!

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