Best Blogger Tips 2011 | Queervine

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Here are some cool new cleanses to try if you want to get your health on:


Famous User: Salma Hayek

TYPE: Pressed Veggies, fruit, juices & nut milk

5-day price: $290

Perks: Some report clear acne and weight loss
(Days vary)


Famous User: Gweyneth Paltrow

TYPE: Protein shakes, herbal supplements, juices & food

14-day price: $200

Perks: Eliminate sugar cravings and weight loss
(Days vary)


Famous User: Heidi Klum

TYPE: Protein shakes,grape seed-extract & supplements

5-day price: $95

Perks: Fell recharged and weight loss
(Days vary)


Famous User: Demi Moore

TYPE: Protein shakes,grape seed-extract & supplements

21-day price: $250

Perks: Youthful look, attacks wrinkles and weight loss
(Days vary)

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By the time I had some money and time to kill curiosity, these wines have quickly become benchmark wines without being absurdly, ridiculously overpriced. Click on the name of the wine and it will take to a website to purchase.

First up...

1. Florio Marsala Wine Sweet 375

This wine is sweet but not overpowering. It has a exotic body of flavors and one of my top five favorite Marsala wines. The price is great ranging from $6.99 to $9.99.

2. Strawberry Run Missouri Sweet Wines

If you have never had a strawberry wine, you are then you are in for a treat! Sweet and smoooth but you can't beat the price. Price range is from $16.99 to $22.99.

3. NV Cantina Gabriele - Vino Sweet Red Wine

Sweet red is my new favorite wine. Its strong and tastes great! You can try any brand and you won't be sorry! GREAT TASTE! Price range is from $9.99 to $19.99.

4. Sweet Bitch Chardonnay Smooth & Fruity

This wine will take you by surprise especially if you love Chardonnay... I do not like chardonnay wine and this wine made me a fan... The price is great ranging from $12.99 to $19.99

5. Markovic Estate Semi Sweet Merlot

I love merlot wines because they have such a rich taste and full body. Well, if you are a merlot drinker then you will thank me for suggesting this wine. The price range is $7.99 to $19.99.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011


Hector Silva's drawings of masculine, gay cholos with Transgender artist Violetta Antonia Sorcini's expressive and emotional Warrior Goddess is simply moving. Out-and-Out will be on view through July 24th. ChimMaya Gallery, 5283 East Beverly Blvd., LA CA, 90022. This spirit of freedom is what it feels like to experience Out-and-Out at ChimMaya Gallery, a small space packed with work exploring gay and lesbian identity. According to Creative Director Steven Acevedo, "Overall, this exhibition seeks to educate the viewer by advancing their understanding and redefining their general perceptions of gay and lesbian life."

"For the non-gay viewer, I hope that they leave better-informed and more open minded
of gays," says Steven. "For the gay and lesbian viewer, I hope that they, too, leave better-informed to the diversity of the gay community."

Check it out if you are in the Los Angeles area..worth the trip!

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DC Comics announced this week that they would be revamping their line of comics in September—effectively ending their current universe and rebooting with 52 new #1 issues. Apollo and Midnighter will be joining Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman by being included in the DC Comics primary universe. This is exciting news to LGBT comic book fans who’ve often felt underrepresented in comics. Stormwatch #1 is the second book launching in September—after the highly publicized Batwoman—to feature gay characters.

Apollo and Midnighter are known to many fans as one of the earliest “out” gay couple. Their adventures took place in a separate universe under the DC imprint Wildstorm comics. The two characters became popular in the book "The Authority" and for a short time Midnighter was even given his own comic under the Wildstorm brand. In the time since Apollo and Midnighter were introduced, several LGBT themes have been explored in a candid manner. From intimate scenes to the couple’s wedding, the relationship between these characters was always handled in the same manner that any straight relationship would be and avoided the “very special episode” trap that has plagued so many other gay characters in comics.

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Friday, June 17, 2011

"Why Do I Always Fall For Your Type?"...

"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you...I had no control over”...

I am going to open up about a problem I've had for years and hopefully talking through it will help break the cycle... I seem to always fall for the same type of girl and it always ends the same way... So, if you have a it possible to fall for someone who is outside of that type?

Let's start with why don’t nice guys finish last? Simple, they do not trigger a fix that your body needs. They do behave in a way which comes across as taboo to you. Your body, over the years has now become conditioned to want to experience something particular when it comes to a future mate.

First, examine your dating history... Who have you dated? What were they like? How did it end? Think about it...When you meet "that girl", deep know you shouldn’t go out with her but she sparks a chemical reaction that your body likes. It’s a like a drug. In the same way that people can become addicted to pain killers, you’re now addicted to this chemical reaction. It’s pure biology....


1. Recognition is the First Step

Once you’ve recognised what is going can break the pattern sooner. If you stop it in time...then you’re in a better position to start thinking more consciously. You will be able to bring a little bit of logic into the equation. Is she what I want...or what I need? You don't always get what you want...but you should get what you need... What she wants from a relationship has to correlate with your requirements... Otherwise you grow apart instead of together!

2. Break the Habit

My grandfather told me it takes 2 weeks to create a habit...So, if you keep on saying to yourself and everyone around you, that you always fall for the wrong type of person, you’re also programming yourself to continue the same behavior. Once a program is written, it’s difficult to rewrite so it’s best to overwrite. Instead of saying “I’ll never meet miss right” think "not every frog was meant to be a prince"... You have to dig through the get to the diamond.. She is out there and when the time is right...Love will find you!

3. Know What You Need

Ask yourself, “up until now, what’s the void I’ve been trying to fill?” What is it exactly that you’ve been getting from the "same type" you've dated over the years? What have they been giving you that you’ve needed? Each of these women has served their purpose in some way for you. What need within you have they fulfilled? This question has to be answered to break the cycle... It is hard to nail down...what you are really looking for in a person and what you've gotten out of broken relationships... So, once this is figured out...then you can get what you need from a person who is capable of giving it to you!

4. Equally Yoked

Its true, opposites do attract but sometimes like stay together... My grandmother was right when she told me that you and the person you love should be equally yoked...meaning you should have a similar moral code... Because if not...those differences become reasons to break-up instead of factors that keep you together... Sometimes the thing that draws you to a person...can end up being the very thing that comes between you.... So, if your type is not equally yoked...then you are probably wasting precious time....and the love will end way too soon...

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BY: Missi Smith


Ok, so…things are in motion…I

We are deciding on colors for the ceremony, which is more difficult than I thought it would be. We should have a decision made by Sunday.

I have been looking over lots of websites for wedding ideas and I have to say….it’s overwhelming. I need to break it down into phases, otherwise I’m going to turn into Bridezilla (just kidding).

I have a vision in my head of what I would like so I need to get all of that together and talk to Mary about what she wants and see how we can put her ideas and my ideas together to make our special day beautiful.

Our ceremony will be small and intimate. I need a check list of things to do and what needs to be done first!

Over the weekend hopefully we have time to browse some bridal shops and see what’s going on in the ‘wedding world’.

I will keep everyone up to date on our progress!

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"Should You Hate the Player or the Game?"...

Players, cheaters, narcissists and smooth-talkers. When it comes to behaving badly, it’s up to you to change their game. I will attempt to set the record straight on today’s playing field... In the game of love, its all about going big or staying home... I was always taught...if you want it...then you have to fight for it and if you lose it...then it never belong to you...

I think this life lesson can be applied to love...Today its all about sex games and what have you done for me lately? Femmes will never admit to this but...I have heard this in private conversation.."I can do bad by myself, if she can't help me...then she can just keep stepping".

Same with studs...if we don't find you sexually attractive when we meet you...then you shouldn't take anything that happens between you seriously... I'm going to be perfectly one falls in love with conversation at first visual chemistry is very important! From a stud's perspective...if we see someone we want...depending on how bad we want her...will determine how "hard" we chase...

Same with a femme..its the kiss of death, if she ever says..."Let's just be friends"... Fellas don't waste your matter what happens between you...she will always see you that way...

Ladies... "Don't chase a stud!" Honestly, think about it... That game of "chase the stud" will not happily ever after... But, showing a stud you are interested and chasing two different things. This is when its know the rules of the dating game.

Now that I've gotten the foreplay is out of the way, let's get down to the biz - ness... There is no good reason to hate the game. If you don't play, then you can't win! And who in the hell plays by the rules, No one... So, hating the player's probably the best bet.

Here are some reasons why you shouldn't hate the game and should put the player on notice:

1. Beware of "NEGGING"

There is one game tactic and it is called the “neg.” Negging is defined as “an ambiguous statement or seemingly accidental insult delivered to a beautiful woman you’ve just met, with the intent of actively demonstrating to her a lack of interest.” The purpose of the neg is to lower a woman’s self-esteem, in order to gain the upper hand in the dating game. That tactic is all about the player...

2. It's Not What You Do, But How You Do It

It’s not the woman that makes the difference, it’s how you deal with the woman that makes the difference between...heartbreak and a mutually beneficial situation... Make sure you get what you need from her, then if you get what you want...its just gravy.

3. Set Some Standards

If she doesn't know what she wants out of life...then she most likely she doesn't know what she wants from a relationship in the future... Goals in life is good and goals in love is "GREAT"...

4. Teasing Done Right is Flirting

She doesn't have to buy the cow but don't let her pimp your milk. Teasing just the right amount will keep her wanting more... A player will actively work to disarm you from any remaining hesitations you may have concerning her ‘bad intentions’. A player knows females enjoy talking about themselves and their feelings (even if this is not directly obvious) – a player will steer you into common areas of interest, the more topical the better. This allows her to get a feel for the person (and to categorise her) and to create synthesis between both of you in the conversation... If she tries to get you in bed on the second date...then and is angry because you want to wait...then she may not be that into you... I'm just saying...

5. Confidence is Key

I have not always been as confident as I should have been but experience is the best teacher... If you don't think you are the shit...then neither will get your self-esteem on...because confidence is very "SEXY"! So always remember...that no one can play you, if you don't allow it!

6. You Are Not #1

The only time he steps up his game is when he is suspicious another male has entered the picture: It’s cool to be chased, but being chased to keep you in his possession is more about satisfying a stud’s ego(s) than working to mend a relationship.

7. Your Relationship Stays the Same

There is no progression in your relationship: If you are doing the same type of activities, having the same type of discussion and arguments month after month, it’s time to re-evaluate. If you are not building or working together in some way towards a goal, congratulations you have a relationship of convenience. Nothing wrong with clinging to what makes you feel snuggly and warm inside but at some point you will want to free yourself from the monotony and establish a relationship of substance, not comfort...

8. Doesn't Show You Off

Your apartment is the only date spot: I understand that not all of us can make it rain on every date, budgeting and saving money is very admirable, however if your dates all take place in your home something’s up. Walks in the park, a trip to the movies, or game night at a friend’s house are all budget friendly dates. If a woman is into you, your house will not be the only chilling spot.

The tips above are all tricks in the player's game box... The dating game itself doesn't require you to play games... The only reason a player decides to game...when she knows you are not the one...awareness of our emotional triggers and self-worth stops a player in their tracks. We can better equip ourselves for decision making when it comes to a relationship...if we are willing to accept some ugly dating truths...

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OUTdoors! LGBTQ Youth Camp...

OUTdoors! Camp is dedicated to helping Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) youth develop leadership skills, work in collaborative ways, and develop a strong sense of self and community!

At OUTdoors! (aka “Gay Camp”), youth find empowerment in a safe and fun outdoor summer camp environment! The camp uses minimal technology at camp and focus our efforts on good old fashion face to face communication! Camp activities vary and evolve each year and range from educational workshops on topics like “LGBTQ History” and “Non- Violent Communication” to community activities like our 200 person drum circle, horseback riding, and zip-lining!

Apply for Gay Camp 2011, NOW! Click the below link to be directed to the online application

Arizona Tuition: Free

Out of State Tuition: $400 (including all lodging, food, programs) Some scholarships are available, please contact us for info -
Click "OutDoors Camp Webiste"

Counselors In Training (CIT) Program: Available Now!

Please E-mail: for an application

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lesbian Music Movement Nation & RainbowNoise Ent. PRESENTS: "The Sounds of Pride Tour"....

The Sounds of Pride Tour (the 1st of its kind) provides a nationwide platform for artist to promote their music in multiple cities. By packaging several musical genres and artists together for one purpose, the Sounds of Pride Tour will enable lesbian artists to invest in themselves by maximizing their national exposure. Lesbian & Gay musicians touring the country with southern beats and a larger than life sound...this tour is not only making history but its giving the fans what they want....


The goal is to tour "The East Coast Circuit". This will allow us to get our 'foot in the door' with the hardest, most judgmental coast of the U.S.. The tour will visit 4 major cities; from Boston, Massachusetts to Orlando, Florida from July 2, 2011 through July 5, 2011.


YOUNG KAII, Merecedes Dias, SMOKIN ACES, DJ Jai Syncere & More....


Show your pride and love for the tour
once they hit your town!!!!


JULY 2, 2011 AT 4PM
Randolph Country Club (RCC)
44 Mazzeo Drive
Randolph, MA 02368 (Metropolitan Area of Boston,MA)
(781) 961-2414

JULY 3 , 2011
The Ottobar at 9PM
2549 N Howard St
Baltimore, MD 21218
(410) 662-0069

JULY 4, 2011
Phaze 1 at 9PM
4933 Memorial Drive
Stone Mountain, GA 30083-4147 (Atlanta Area)
(404) 296-4895

JULY 5, 2011
11/12 Lounge
843 Lee Rd
Orlando Fl 32810
(321) 274-7184 .
Strating at: 10PM


or click on their website to

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THE DAILY SHOW'S TAKE ON: "We're Here...We're Queer, NY Marriage Equality & Gay Blogger Hoax"...

“Fake Gay News: Because Real Gay News Is Too Damn Depressing”...

This week the lesbian community has not only been betrayed once but twice. If you have been a sleep, the popular "Gay Girl in Damascus" turned out to be Tom MacMaster, 40, a PhD student from Edinburgh. If that wasn't bad enough, in the same week we find out the editor of "Lez Get Real" Paula Brooks turned out to be Bill Graber a 58-year-old retired US air force member.

Below, is The Daily Show's John Stewart's take on this week's event.. "FUNNY!"


The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
We're Here, We're Queer, Get Newsed to It - NY Marriage Equality & Gay Blogger Hoax
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

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The National Women’s Music Festival - June 30 - July 3, 2011...

The Festival is a four-day musical and cultural extravaganza that incorporates all facets of women’s lives. It’s a jam-packed long weekend where choices for things to do range from workshops, concerts, comedy, theatre presentations, a marketplace, newly released films and videos, a live auction, spirituality series, writer’s series, animal lovers series, and much, much more!

Most Festival attendees are women, although men can and do attend. Attendees come from all walks of life and cultures, cutting across ethnic, racial, sexual, age, and ability boundaries.

2011 Performers:

1. Ann Reed

Ann has been a touring musician for more than 30 years and has gotten to know a bit about the geography of the United States and Canada.

2. Anna Vogelzang

Anna, unavoidably soulful singer/songwriter and newly-transplanted Midwesterner sings the best kind of songs, the ones about feelings.

3. C.C. Carter

C.C. is a Chicagoan with national prominence on the performance poetry scene. Her first book, Body Language, a collection of poetry, was nominated for a 2003 Lambda Literary Award. She is the winner of a host of poetry slams including winning the Fifth Annual Gwendolyn Brooks Open Mic Competition and the First Annual Behind Our Masks Poetry Slam.

4. Chris Pureka

Chris is a breath of fresh air in an age of fleeting success and temporary notions. She is an artist of substance, armed with a sharp eye for oft-missed details and an emotional intelligence that can switch from withering to compelling with a subtle inflection.

5. Deidre McCalla

Deidre came of age in the fiery blaze of NYC's folk heyday - a time when Greenwich Village clubs were filled with the likes of Dylan, Baez, and Ochs; a time when Motown ruled the top of the charts and the streets of America screamed with anger and civil unrest.

6. Marga Gomez

Marga is a native New Yorker who makes San Francisco her home and identifies as a bicoastal Gemini. As the daughter of a Cuban comedian and Puerto Rican dancer Marga made her stage debut in New York at age 7 and was hooked ever since. Her long and colorful career includes achievements in comedy, theater, film and television and was profiled in the 2005 documentary “Laughing Matters.”

7. ZRAZY (Musical Group)

Irish vocalist Maria Walsh and UK saxophonist/pianist Carole Nelson, formed Zrazy in 1992, winning the Hot Press Irish Music Critics Award for Best New Band the following year. Their first two CDs, Give it All Up and Permanent Happiness, were pure pop/dance delights, integrating Celtic lyricism, poetic sensibility and traditional instruments with funky loops and techno grooves. In 1999 they released their third album Private Wars. Recorded in Ireland with their jazz quintet and released on their own ALFI label, it was a stunning collection of eleven original jazz songs.


1. Lesbian Sexuality Workshop

Glenda Corwin, Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist will present a workshop at NWMF. Dr. Corwin is the author of Sexual Intimacy For Women: A Guide For Same Sex Couples, released in Spring 2010.

Most of us know about hot, romantic, falling-in-love sex—but what about long-term sexual intimacy? Women who remain long-term lovers understand how “24-Hour Foreplay” brings emotional connection, sensual awareness, and erotic imagination together. “Lesbian bed death,” or a thriving sex life? You decide—this workshop will show you the skills you need to increase sexual desire and pleasure.

2. NWMF Drumming Intensive Workshops

Basic hand drum workshop with Rani [Djembe, Ashiko, Dunun, and bells] [2 hrs] Friday/Saturday

-Intermediate hand drum workshop with Wahru [Djembe, Ashiko, Dunun, clave, and bells] [2 hrs] Friday/Saturday.

-Drum Chorus practice with Wahru and assistants....Advanced hand drumming and West African Rhythms with Nurudafina Pili Abena, a historian and drum elder.

-Friday: Djembe, Ashiko, Dunun & bells. [2hrs]
-In addition to a quick review of necessary basic techniques this workshop will concentrate on advanced hand techniques and specific African drum rhythms. This workshop will include more than drumming--

Spirituality Workshops

-Design Your Personal Croning Ritual - Ruth Barrett
-Singing The Women's Wheel of the Year - Ruth Barrett
-Awakening the Warrior-Carol McCollum
-Clearing Emotional and Spiritual Clutter with EFT-Nano Boye Nagel
-Come Discover Mayan Goddess Ix Chel !-Peggy Patty
-Crop Circles I-Lynnie Levy & Mary Pierce
-Crop Circle II-Lynnie Levy & Mary Pierce
-Emotional Freedom to Live an Authentic Life-Nano Boye Nagel
-Ensuring the Future-Daña Adler, Laura Keefe, Mildred Olsen
-Guardian Archetypes-Jade River, Lynnie Levy
Hidden Hystory: the Board Game"-Susan Grossman

For more information on camping, lodging and tickets, please click below on "WOMEN'S FESTIVAL WEBSITE"...

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"Wedding Diaries: A Lesbian Love Story"....

Guest Blogger: Missi Smith

"Wedding Diaries: A Lesbian Love Story" - ENTRY #1

Well, we have a tentative date for our commitment ceremony. June of 2012 is the magical time. We started discussing this about a year ago and the more we discussed it the more stressful it became. Who do we invite? Where do we have our ceremony? Where can we find a beautiful inexpensive venue? What time do we have the ceremony? Will out of town quests be able to come? If so, where will they stay? What about transportation….and flowers…and the cake? What colors will we have? What will we wear?

As you can see there are a lot of unanswered questions and it got so overwhelming that I didn’t even want to start the process of planning!!

Some months have passed and we suddenly realized that this is "OUR day" and we should plan it like "WE want it". Not plan it around everyone else. So, we have started the process of planning and now I’m really excited about it!

We are on a tight (very tight) budget, as I have had a major job change in the last few months. That won’t stop us from having the beautiful romantic ceremony that we want!

I will be writing this blog to help organize my thoughts and keep my sanity during this process. I hope everyone enjoys it and if you have comments and/or suggestions please feel free to become part of the discussion!

My first entry for the blog is rather negative, but please stick with me, they will not all be this way. In looking for local upcoming bridal shows I stumbled across a website called where you can enter a contest to win a free wedding! Well, heck yeah I want a free wedding! The contest requires that you submit a 250 word or less Essay of your love story and why you feel you should be the winners of the “I want my free wedding” ultimate unity celebration wedding contest, along with a photo.

“I can do that” I thought. So I read on to determine the qualifications…this is where I got irritated.

The other qualifications are:

-Must be 18 years or older
-US Citizen
-Legally able to obtain a marriage license in the
perspective city and or state where the contest is held.

Really? You want to hear my love story and see a photo of my partner and I ….unless we are lesbians. In which case we can’t get a legal marriage license in Dallas, therefore we are disqualified.

I have never understood why there are so many rules on love and who we love. The contest has since ended and I congratulate the bride and groom that won and wish them happily ever after!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"GAY GAMES IX begins August 9 - 16, 2011 in Cleveland + Akron"...


The Gay Games have a rich history—and Greater Cleveland is poised to become part of that history as the host of the 2014 games. Adding to the traditions of San Francisco, Vancouver, Sydney, New York City, Amsterdam, Chicago and Cologne, Northeast Ohio is eager to welcome the 13,000+ artists and athletes from around the globe who are expected to paticipate in over 30 events at Gay Games IX.

The sport competitions include:

-Beach Volleyball
-Figure Skating
-Flag Football
-Football (Soccer)
-Ice Hockey
-Marathon & Road Races
-Martial Arts
-Rodeo - NEW SPORT

That is just a few of the sports categories. Plus there will be countless exhibitions, films, concerts, and other cultural events for participants and spectators!

Come check out "Gay Games" in Cleveland + Akron

between August 9 - 16, 2011...

For more info, please click below on:

"Gay Games IX WEBSITE"

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"What Happens When Love Is Not Enough?"...

We assume that the hardest thing in a relationship is finding the right person. The reality is that the hardest thing is staying in a relationship and making it work. Communication problems are a major source for relationship problems. People in most cases just do not know how to talk to each other. Loss of trust, confusion over whether we still love each other, constant fighting and the inability to agree on anything…are some of the cues to recognize that a relationship is having serious communication problems.

This is a subject that is very close to my heart. I’ve had my heart broken more than I care to admit...which has caused an uncertainty in my mind if I will ever find true love... I've stayed in a bad relationship hoping and believing love will see us through but sometimes…most is not enough!

A mature individual is defined as a person who has a strong sense of self. He/she is able to recognize that both people in the relationship are different. This is critical because without the element of maturity, a couple can get all messed up because they lose themselves in a relationship. One can become jealous, dependent, resentful and distant. All of which can erode the reason you became a couple in the first place.

So, how do you get it back? How do you renew that spark?


Good, open, and honest communication is like oil to a car. You can't make it anywhere unless you have oil and communication is equally important. No one can read your mind.. I’ve learned through experience that for a relationship to grow and prosper, likes, dislikes, desires, hopes, dreams and problems need to be expressed.


Relationships like people are not static. They are ever changing. If one or both members in the relationship becomes rigid and resistant to needed changes the relationship could end for good..
Change we must, it is part of the human condition.


If one person always gets his/her way, the other person is bound to feel dominated, and resentful. Finding the happy middle can provide the best of both worlds… giving and receiving.


Every one needs room to breath, room to sort out their own thoughts, feelings and problems. Know when to say when because providing a person space…gives that person the ability to see things more clearly.


If you are not making love anymore, then it won’t be long before you start looking for that love outside your relationship. Each member must have its emotional needs met in order to continue to grow in the relationship. If a trusting relationship is cultivated and maintained, the ability to try new adventures and take new risks are enhanced. A compassionate trusting relationship outside of the bedroom...always increases the activity in the bedroom.

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"Top 5 pound-for-pound Fighters in Women's MMA"...


I have composed a list of the top 5 pound-for-pound fighters in women's MMA... My two favorites are "Gina Carano" who may be the face of women’s Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and "Cris Cyborg" who is all heart and soul. Born Cristiane Santos, Cyborg fights out of her home country of Brazil and out of the same camp as such legends as Wanderlei Silva, the Rua Brothers, and Anderson Silva.

Cyborg is currently 6-1. Suffering her first loss, four years ago, in her professional debut, due to a leg lock. She has since won six in a row, with four of them coming by TKO... Careno is no whimp she boasts an impressive 7-0 record.

1. Cris Cyborg
2. Gina Carano
3. Megumi Fuji
4. Sarah Kaufman
5. Miku Matsumoto


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"Help KickStart!!!" - "Boys Will Be Boys (The Film)"....

Anyone who knows me, knows how I feel about same-sex domestic violence... In fact, I produced & directed a documentary short called: "The Dark Side of The Rainbow: The Price of Inequality"... "Boys Will Be Boys" picked up where I left off...vividly telling a painful story. This film needs the support of the community because it is an issue that no longer needs to remain in the shadows...


Award-winning Piñata Productions produced the short narrative film Boys Will Be Boys in late May 2011. Based on actual events the screenplay was written by e.E. Charlton-Trujillo with additional writing by Josh Flowers.

Premise: After Billy is beat by his boyfriend Chris, he locks himself in the bathroom. There he begins to imagine what his life might be like if he opens the door.

Creative Team:

e.E. Charlton-Trujillo (Director l Writer l Producer)

Chuck Beatty (Executive Producer)

Josh Flowers (Executive Producer l Additional Writing)

Chas! Pangburn (Director of Photography)

Ryan Magrish (2nd Camera Unit, Chief Lighting)

James Bailey (Sound Design l Sound Recordist)


Graydon Stroud, Michael C. Potter

Ian Gagel, Amber Potter, Michael Peake, R DeAndre Smith

What You Are Kickstarting:

We have the film shot and are needing finishing funds. Yes, $500 dollars is a low number. It is the absolute bare minimum we need to raise. After watching the video and finding out more about the Creative Team and Talent, we hope to exceed well beyond a $1000.00 dollars. That would empower us in:

-Duplication of DVD's
-Festival entries & Travel (entries alone average at a $30 minimum per fest)
-Design and Creation of Promotional Materials
-Payment of key post production crew (editors, composer, sound design, graphic design)

Please help "Boys Will Be Boys" get the recognition it so rightly deserves... The great thing is no pledge is too small - from $1.00 to $500.00....

Click on "Donate Now" to pledge funds to this film: DONATE NOW!

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"Pretty Little Liar: Paula Brooks’ Betrayal of the Lesbian Community"...

by: C.D. Kirven

"It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing was…it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you." — David Levithan

Who are you really? Only four short words but one can feel the genuine surprise and heartfelt pain that only surfaces when a person is betrayed by someone they believed they could trust. The truth is that when we bury our hearts to escape betrayal from others, we actually betray ourselves and sabotage our ability to deeply connect with anyone. Finding out that Paula Books is actually Bill Graber, a 58 year-old former Air Force veteran, imploded into popular disgust within the lesbian community at the continuing hand-to-mouth existence of a straight man telling lesbian women how to feel or what to believe.

In an apology to its readers, one of the other owners, Linda Carbonell, wrote: "The past three days have been devastating for all of us on Lez Get Real.’Paula Brooks' has been a part of our lives for three years now.” Mr. Graber told the Associated Press news agency he set up “Lez Get Real” to advance the gay and lesbian cause. He said he felt he would not be taken seriously as a straight man. "Lez Get Real was not meant to be deceitful or con anyone," said Graber.

My question for Bill Graber is; “Who died and made you king of anything?” You need to know Bill…every woman doesn’t need a big straight man to come in and save them. What kind of man could do that: nurture, befriend and ultimately care for a group of people, then betray them? Graber claimed he was assisting our movement to which he was sympathetic. Of course, if his fellow bloggers or community activists had known this at the time, they would have regarded it all very differently.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." — Martin Luther King Jr.

I wrote for “Lez Get Real” so I’m very hurt by this realization but oddly not surprised to find that Paula Brooks wasn’t who she said she was because she was a puppet master…secretly integrating her/his beliefs into the articles of other writers demanding you agree or risk being publicly degraded. Anyone who knows me…knows two things, I’m always up for a good fight and I’m not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. Today is no different… Now that we are done with the shock and aw, we need to put this dishonesty in perspective. Indeed, it seems clear that the aftermath of Graber’s tangled web is such that we will lead to us always question our community’s story tellers. Skeptical of our news barriers and ultimately becoming disinterested in supporting stories passed on by bloggers because of the recklessness and selfishness acts of Bill Graber. This unfortunate reality will need to become a part of our social consciousness.

We need a subtle process of reinterpretation of who our leaders and who disseminates the news to our community. We must unmask the motives of those who proclaim so freely and come barring gifts claiming to be an ally…but only succeed in polluting the blogosphere with their own political agenda trying to determine what the LGBT movement needs to move forward in accessing the rights we’ve been denied thus far. Also, I must remember these betrayals are experiences that teach you valuable lessons in life.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." — Martin Luther King Jr.

Indeed, it seems clear that the aftermath of the affair was such that the chances of its coming to light were substantial. It's a level of thoughtlessness and egocentricity that probably shouldn't surprise us but we still do find shocking. "This is the beginning of a new day. We have been given this day to use as an opportunity to retake control of our own path to freedom. We can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that we have left behind . . . let it be something good"

"We talk on principle, but we act on interest."--Walter Savage Landor

We must move forward and start a new…. Mr. Graber and his views chose to play nonsense political games…that was in no way helpful to our cause. However, there is nothing to regret, and now that we know very well about his true personalities and who he is… We can take back our good will and power…to reshape the message this scandal says about our community. This too shall pass…We only get stronger from the obstacles we overcome… The fight has only just begun!

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Monday, June 13, 2011


LFL | Season 3 Promo | Echoes from LFL Films on Vimeo.

The Lingerie Football League (LFL) is a women's 7-on-7 tackle American football league, created in 2009, with games played in the fall and winter at NBA, NFL, NHL and MLS arenas and stadiums. Teams played one game against each other team in their conference; 2 games were at home and 2 games were on the road. A game consists of two 17-minute halves, separated by a 15-minute halftime. In the event of a tie, an 8-minute sudden-death overtime is played. The top two teams in each conference met in playoffs then the top two winners play in Lingerie Bowl VIII.

Tickets go on-sale June 7 at 10 a.m. and can be ordered online at, by phone 1 855 872 5000 or at the Copps Coliseum Box Office. For more info, visit:

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"2011 San Francisco Dyke March...Saturday, June 25, 2011"...

The First Dyke March

On April 24, 1993, a group of San Francisco lesbians joined the Lesbian Avengers, Queer Nation, and the National ACT UP Women's Committee in calling for a Dyke March the night before an NGLTF-sponsored National March on Washington for lesbian and gay rights. More than 20,000 lesbians marched! Soon women formed Dyke Marches in towns and cities across the country, in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Montreal. 10,000 dykes marched in the first San Francisco Dyke March in 1993. Eighteen years later, 50,000 people attended the San Francisco Dyke March rally and march, the world's largest dyke march! Now the Dyke March has become an annual event in many cities, usually the night before the local LGTBQ Pride march.

The San Francisco Dyke March is for dykes. Dykes gather at the Dyke March to celebrate our love and passion for women and for ALL dykes. We celebrate our queerness in all its manifestations. We understand dyke identity to include those of us who are questioning and challenging gender constructs and the social definitions of women: transdyke, MTF, transfeminine, transmasculine, genderqueer, and gender fluid dykes. We also welcome all women who want to support dykes to march with us. Celebrate dyke diversity!

We continue to hold the Dyke March as dyke-only space. We invite our male allies to enjoy our Dolores Park rally with us, and to please support us from the sidelines during our march to the Castro.

COME JOIN THE MARCH!!! San Francisco. Dyke March. Saturday, June 25, 2011. Rally in Dolores Park 3–7 p.m. $5–$10 suggested donation.

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