Best Blogger Tips "STUDS....Is She Right For You?" | Queervine

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"STUDS....Is She Right For You?"

Tired of the dating game? Do you want to be with the woman of your dreams? Believe me, she's out there. Is your girlfriend a keeper or should you just sweep her away? Before you take her home to meet mom, here are a few ways to help you decide if she is "THE ONE"!

1. You deserve Someone to Love You Unconditionally

If you have to buy her love or you are always taking her out...never staying home. That's a red flag! If she really cares, sometimes she will pay or sometimes a "RED BOX" night is perfectly OK... Make sure she into you and not what you can give her...

2. Independence is Sexy

Women who have balanced lives, interests of their own and who don't depend on you are the ones who can anyone they want. Make sure she can stand on her own two feet... That she wants you and doesn't need you... Studs often want a woman to depend on them but you also need to know you can depend on her... Ride or die...Or don't apply!!!!

3. She will give You Space & Freedom

Another requirement of a femme you want to wife up is she will give you space to pursue outside interests. Relationships should not be like a 7-Eleven, open 24/7. Clinginess is the quickest route to relationship disasters. Too much space could be a sign of rockiness in relationships, from a lack of love, interest or attraction, but freedom allows studs to grow as individuals and gives them breathing room, which will be much appreciated.

4. She Stays Calm

There is no reason for studs to be afraid that their girlfriends will freak out on a daily basis. The two scenarios we hate the most: women crying for no reason, and women acting suspicious. A stud wants femme that will trust them. No one wants to be questioned and interrogated by the people that supposedly love them. If she constantly goes through your cell phone or doesn't allow you to have a boys night out...then get out and don't look back.

5. She's One Of The Guys

NOTHING IS HOTTER!!! Studs look for women who not only complement them but share their interests as well. If she's going to be your best friend, then why not do things that you enjoy together? Monday Night Football can be a great activity for two, if you're both interested in it or taking a dance class... It can't be a one-way street...Love is about sacrifice and compromise...

6. Sex is Always An Adventure with Her

Some women think that as long as they have sex from time to time, that is enough. But, a great sexual relationship should not be one-sided; you both need to make an effort to keep it exciting! When she gives up on sex...that is not a good sign. If that's the case, boredom will set in very quickly. If femmes keep studs guessing, they'll come back for more -- always. Of course, studs have to keep their woman happy too. Remember, it takes two to tango. Just always remember to dance... Loving her more and more each day or becoming a couple...will only intensify your connection!

7. Opposites Attract But Likes Stay Together

Be Honest with yourself. Ask yourself if you can give this woman what she needs in a partner. Ask her what she wants out of her life and compare that to what your aspirations are. A lot people get together and find out they have absolutely nothing in common with the person they're with. Usually a breakup is on the horizon when you make this discovery.

8. You've had Enough Time to Find Out

Everyone knows the lesbian joke..a movie and a Uhaul...Sometimes times people meet, find serious chemistry and jump into a serious relationship too soon. This is not a good idea. Ideally you should know your girl for at least a year before moving in with her; and for at least two years before marrying. The reason for this is because it's impossible to think of all the things to ask someone in a short amount of time, and also because you need to see them at their best and their worst. You need to see them when their bored and when they are sort of sick of your face in the morning. In short, you need to replicate what it will be like if you get serious before you take serious steps...

9. Your Friends and Family Think She Is...

This will not always be the case... You know if you have a crazy undependable family but getting along with the people that are important to critical!!! These are people that know you and care about you and can see that you are blinded by love. And the truth is, despite everything you may think you know or feel about love, long lasting relationships endure mainly because the two parties involved are not just in love, but are in like as well. Think about it. If you are going to wake up every morning with someone, talk to them, be with them. Eat with them. And all the other things couples do on a regular daily basis, you better darn will really like them a lot...

10. You think of Her Needs before Your Own

This one's a little tricky, but it does make sense in the end. Say something comes up, like you need or want something and so does she. What are your immediate thoughts on a resolution? Do you try to figure out a way to talk her into your way of seeing things, or jump to the other side to see how you can best accommodate her needs? People that are truly ready for a long term commitment choose the latter. And this does include your girl as well.


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