Best Blogger Tips Was It Good For You? How Do You Know If You're Good in Bed? | Queervine

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Was It Good For You? How Do You Know If You're Good in Bed?

The slow death of pure Hollywood starlet has been overthrown by the quick rise of the soft porn star…making sexual prowess a surviving principle instead of an unnecessary indulgence. In today’s modern society, it’s more about who you’ve hooked up with than what you know. Today, a well rounded relationship can’t survive without the nuts and bolts of sexual satisfaction. Which leaves open the question, how do you know if you are good in bed?

A few things to think about…

Are you and your partner sexual compatible?
This sounds like a crazy question but it’s actually very important. If your partner is sexually adventurous and you’re sexually conservative, this could prove to be a serious problem for the longevity of your relationship.

How is your sex drive?

If your partner is the energizer bunny and you need jumper cables to get aroused, this could put a huge strain on your relationship.
How do you feel about commitment?
If your partner is ready to get married and you are only in it for a little fun, this could prove to be disastrous for your relationship’s intimacy.

The basics of sexual gratification – T-R-E-A-T – your partner!

T – Toys

When it comes to sex and toys, straight men are usually unwilling to explore the possibilities. This is a huge mistake because no one penis is an island. Experimenting with toys is where the straight guy can take a lesson from a lesbian. Most women don’t know exactly all the ways to achieve sexual satisfaction and is one of the main reasons masturbation is such a popular past time. It’s all about self exploration baby! If you can share in your partner’s experience, this can only aid on bringing you two closer together. Take weekly exploration trips along your partner’s arousal road map; help her find the pressure points she has been too busy to discover. A woman’s pressure points are the key to multiple orgasms and these sexually sensitive areas are a man’s best friend helping spice up a typically bland bedroom experience. I know guys look at toys as competition but instead view them as tools in your pleasure box. The best way to think about it is you can’t fix everything with one tool. Sometimes it takes a hammer and sometimes it takes a wrench but your main objective is to fix what’s broken. Once every two months, take a field trip to the sex shop and allow your creativity to control. I know most women love confidence and if you show that you are not intimidated by creative interaction, she will be willing to return the favor. You won’t be sorry! By showing your lady in your life you are willing to do whatever it takes to keep her happy, it will yield high returns.

R – Role Play

Sex for a woman is 80% in her head. So in order to be everything she needs sexually, you must be able to satisfy her emotionally. Everyone day dreams about the road not taken and role play allows you to take that road without disrupting your whole life. Also, it’s nice to see your partner in a different light. Everyday you’re in the caregiver role but it’s nice sometimes to switch it up by seeing her as a biker chic or for her to see you as a hot rock star. Women are taught early on to fantasize to increase sexual pleasure so role play is a very natural transition. The keys to successful role play scenarios are as follows:

A few things to think about…

Most role play is unsuccessful due to the lack of preparation.
The devil is in the details. In order to have the most fun, you must be prepared and being willing to take risks.
Connect with your character.
It defeats the purpose to dress up with no connection to the character; there is a big difference between role play and fantasy.

 Who do you want to be?
 What’s the scenario?
 Location, location, location…
 Where should the scenario begin and where should it end?
 How can you dress it up?
 What (and where) are the boundaries and ground rules?

Remember to keep it simple. Don’t get too caught up in the costume and remember there is more to a costume than clothes also remember to include props. Remember to lay out the ground rules before you start your sexual scenario like no judging each other in the moment. Practice makes perfect!

E – Experiment

A recent study suggests that Americans are having more "experimental" sex than we were 15 years ago. But, if you are going t get your freak on, make sure you lay down some ground rules. 1st. agree on a "safe word". maybe "gasoline" or something completely unrelated to sex maybe "library" is a good word. 2nd Putting on sex costumes in the bedroom is another form of experimentation you may want to try. This is another approach you may want to take if you and your partner want to start out slow. 3rd The most effective ways to increase the amount of pleasure that you receive from intimacy is trying deferent sex positions. As for the benefits of doing so, a new intimate position tends to increases excitement and satisfaction levels. If you need ideas or suggestions, invest in a new Kama Sutra book.

A – Ask

If you don’t know what turns her on, then don’t be afraid to ask. Even though sparks may be flying between you and your new partner, it isn’t atypical for most new lovers to not be acquainted with exactly what kinds of kisses and caresses are the right ones. Try a few of these slight yet clarifying ideas to communicate your desires without feeling like you are giving orders or interrupting the flow. Sharing fantasies is another playful and efficient way to move your love life into new territory. Sometimes giving someone a good suggestion can be as easy as leaving the magazine open to the right page on your bed. If that doesn’t work, a simple conversation starter like, “I just read this interesting, crazy, cool (pick your adjective) idea in this magazine. What do you think about….?” Your sensitivity to your partner’s ego in sexual performance is well founded. Most of us do have confidence to believe we are very capable of pleasuring the people we love. Rephrasing what isn’t working into a statement of what would make your experience hotter is easy to hear and listen to. Try “I love it when you _____, but it would be even better if you ______.”

T – Tongue Action

Last but defiantly not least is learning the art of oral sex. Were you aware that the tongue is the body's strongest muscle? "When you begin to give her oral sex, it's important to start slowly." With your head smashed between her thighs, it may be hard to see what her response is. Feel for the clues. If she raises her hips to meet your lips, that is good. If her vagina gets wet and her vulva swells, she's getting aroused. If she starts moaning and trembling, keep doing what you're doing. Rapid breathing and writhing around are good things. If she grabs your hair and pushes you in for more, things are definitely going well. Rhythm is the key. Tune in to her responses. All women are different. Have her tell you what she likes and wants more of.


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